Origami Master Michael G. LaFosse has been an origami artist for over 40 years, and is considered a leading authority and master of the art. An avid teacher, LaFosse co-founded the Origamido Studio, a learning center and design studio dedicated to the art of origami, and the only place in the world specializing in hand papermaking for the origami artist. Author of many books and videotapes relating to paperfolding and hand papermaking, LaFosse produces fine paper art and commercial designs for a variety of international clients. He was prominently featured in the recent Peabody Award-winning documentary, Between the Folds.
Richard L. Alexander co-founded the Origamido Studio, where he is the chief papermaker. As a designer his specialties have included biology (systems ecology) and landscape architecture. Together, Alexander and LaFosse have created dozens of origami exhibitions, and more than seventy books, kits, and videos about paper and paper arts.