This is Volume XII in the Complete Works of Immanuel Kant published by LP
This is not to be confused with his early 1785 work Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Morals, which is a different book.
In keeping with the grounded, practical themes of his later works, the metaphysician of PrussiaÂs Die Metaphysik der Sitten focuses on law, government regulation and virtue. Law is the inevitable end of Reason, and as such, is rooted in a priori principles native to the soul but not external experience, in other words, metaphysical. The imperative of virtue relies on inner compulsion, while the imperative of legality relies on an external compulsion. In his lifelong rage against the Empiricism of David Hume, Kant here builds a positive framework devoid of polemics. KantÂs ÂDoctrine of Right would inspire HegelÂs 1820 Philosophy of Right, where he would develop a more robust legal theory and a more restrictive social contract.