Dr Joel Vos, PhD, Cpsychol trained as a Clinical and Health Psychologist and Philosopher, and works as researcher, lecturer and therapist in Counselling Psychology.
Dr. Ron Roberts is a Chartered Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. He has worked at King′s College, University College London, St Bartholomew′s Medical College, The Tavistock Institute, Queen Mary University of London, The University of Westminster, the Institute of Psychiatry and Kingston University. He is the author of over 60 research publications and nine other books. www.ronroberts.co.uk
James Davies graduated from the University of Oxford in 2006, with a DPhil in social and medical anthropology. He is a reader in social anthropology and mental health at the University of Roehampton and a qualified psychotherapist. His books include The Making of Psychotherapists: An Anthropological Analysis and Cracked: Why Psychiatry Is Doing More Harm Than Good. He edited Emotions in the Field: The Psychology and Anthropology of Fieldwork Experience and The Sedated Society: The Causes and Harms of Our Psychiatric Drug Epidemic. He cofounded the Council for Evidence-based Psychiatry, which is now secretariat to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Prescribed Drug Dependence.