Muscles of upper limb
Nerves of upper limb
Arteries of upper limb
Veins of upper limb
Ligaments of upper limb
Fascia of upper limb
Joints of upper limb
Movements of upper limb
Anatomical landmarks of upper limb
Muscles and their nerve supply - shoulder
Muscles and their nerve supply - posterior scapular region
Muscles and their nerve supply - axilla – anterior
Muscles and their nerve supply - axilla –medial
Muscles and their nerve supply - axilla-lateral & posterior
Muscles and their nerve supply - anterior compartment of arm
Muscles and their nerve supply - anterior compartment of forearm
Muscles and their nerve supply - posterior compartment of forearm
Muscles and their nerve supply - muscles of hand
Muscles and their nerve supply - thenar muscles
Muscles and their nerve supply - hypothenar muscles
Muscles of lower limb
Nerves of lower limb
Arteries of lower limb
Lymphatics of lower limb
Ligaments of lower limb
Fascia of lower limb
Joints of lower limb
Movements of lower limb
Anatomical landmarks of lower limb
Muscles and their nerve supply - gluteal region
Muscles and their nerve supply - anterior thigh
Muscles and their nerve supply - medial thigh
Muscles and their nerve supply - posterior thigh
Muscles and their nerve supply - posterior leg
Muscles and their nerve supply - lateral leg
Muscles and their nerve supply - anterior leg
Muscles and their nerve supply - dorsal foot
Muscles and their nerve supply - first layer of sole
Muscles and their nerve supply - second layer of sole
Muscles and their nerve supply - third layer of sole
Muscles and their nerve supply - fourth layer of sole
Muscles of thorax
Nerves of thorax
Sympathetic chain
Arteries of thorax
Veins of thorax
Lymphatics of thorax
Fascia of thorax
Joints of thorax
Movements of thorax
Anatomical landmarks of thorax
Muscles and their nerve supply - thoracic wall
Muscles of abdomen and pelvis
Nerves of abdomen and pelvis
Arteries of abdomen and pelvis
Veins of abdomen and pelvis
Lymphatics of abdomen and pelvis
Ligaments of abdomen and pelvis
Fascia of abdomen and pelvis
Anatomical landmarks of abdomen and pelvis
Muscles and their nerve supply - anterior abdominal wall
Muscles and their nerve supply - posterior abdominal wall
Muscles of head and neck
Nerves of head and neck
Arteries of head and neck
Veins of head and neck
Lymphatics of head and neck
Ligaments of head and neck
Fascia of head and neck
Joints of head and neck
Movements of head and neck
Anatomical landmarks of head and neck
Muscles and their nerve supply - suboccipital group of muscles
Muscles and their nerve supply – face
Muscles and their nerve supply - extraocular muscles
Muscles and their nerve supply - middle ear muscles
Muscles and their nerve supply - muscles of mastication
Muscles and their nerve supply - muscles of anterior triangle of neck
Muscles and their nerve supply - muscles of posterior triangle of neck
Muscles and their nerve supply - prevertebral and lateral muscles
Muscles and their nerve supply - constrictors of pharynx
Muscles and their nerve supply - longitudinal muscles of pharynx
Muscles and their nerve supply - muscles of larynx
Muscles and their nerve supply - muscles of soft palate
Muscles and their nerve supply - intrinsic muscles of tongue
Muscles and their nerve supply - extrinsic muscles of tongue
Basics in osteology
Types of joints
Rib notching