Book covers seven topics- Determinants, Matrices, Integral Calculus and it’s applications. Co-ordinate Geometry and it’s applications, vectors and it’s applications, Differential equations. Basic of MATLAB.
Each topic is written in an easy and lucid manner with a holistic view. There has been deliberated attempt to keep the number of pages in the book minimum without compromising with the matter. Every chapter contains a set of exercises at the end of each unit to test the student’s comprehension.
Some salient features of the book:
l For direct recapitulation of main concepts, formulae and results a brief summary of each unit has been given.
l Objective questions and subjective questions are given for practice of students after every unit.
l Content of the book is aligned with the mapping of Course Outcomes, Programs Outcomes and uni Outcomes.
l Apart from the theory explanation and solved examples book provides for mini projects, activities, fun facts, QR codes, case studies, video resources etc.
l The text has been supplemented with notes, remarks, remember sections within grey boxes.
l Student and teacher centric subject materials are included in the book in a balanced manner.
l Real life applications are inserted to improve clarity of this topics.
l Know more section has been introduced which constitutes of additional information related to the topic.
l Check-out section has been introduced so as to active the curiosity part of the student by correlating all the topics studied in this book with MATLAB.
l At the end of each unit. An excerpt related to eminent Indian Mathematicians is given so as to make .
l Student have a glimpse of the rich Indian heritage, especially in the field of mathematics.