Mario Carretero is Professor at Autonoma University of Madrid, Spain, where he was Dean of the Faculty of Psychology, and Researcher at FLACSO, Argentina. He has carried out an extensive research on history education. His last two books are History Education and the Construction of National Identities (2012) (co-ed.) and Constructing Patriotism (funded by the Guggenheim Foundation) (2011).
Stefan Berger is Director of the Institute for Social Movements at the Foundation Library of the Rhur University-Bochum, Germany. His research interests are modern and contemporary european history, especially of Germany and Britain, comparative labour history, nationalism and history of historiography. He has published The Contested Nation (2011) and Nationalizing the Past (2010).
Maria Grever is Professor of History and Theory and Director of the Center for Historical Culture at Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands. She has published widely on canonization processes, historical culture, collective memory and identity, heritage and history education. Currently she leads the research program War! Popular Culture and European Heritage of Major Armed Conflicts (2015-2019).