Divided into three parts, the book begins by discussing the scientific basis of psychoanalysis and advances in psychoanalytic thinking as well as the state of the art of psychoanalytic outcome research, critically analyzing so-called evidence-based therapies. Part II of the book contains exemplary research projects that are discussed from a clinical perspective, illustrating the dialogue between researchers and clinicians. Lastly, in Part III, several psychoanalysts review the importance of critical thinking and research in psychoanalytical education.
Thought-provoking and expertly written and researched, this book is a useful resource for academics, researchers and postgraduate students in the fields of mental health, psychotherapy, and psychoanalysis.
Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber was Director in charge of the Sigmund-Freud-Institut (SFI) in Frankfurt a.M., Germany (2001–2016), now senior scientist at SFI and University Medicine Mainz, as well as staff member of the IDeA Center in Frankfurt a.M.
Mark Solms is Chair of Neuropsychology at the University of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital and Chair of the Research Committee of the International Psychoanalytical Association.
Simon E. Arnold is a Research Assistant at the Sigmund-Freud-Institut in Frankfurt a.M., Germany.