Have you ever picked up the Bible and thought, “I’m reading this passage, but it really doesn’t connect with me”? Or tried to start a prayer routine and gradually found yourself sleeping in or watching TV instead because talking to God felt too much like a one-way conversation every time? If so, it’s not because God doesn’t want to speak with you—it’s exactly the opposite. And one way to not only find a personal connection to the Bible but also feel God’s presence is through lectio divina. Enjoy the Silence contains simple exercises that guide you through this ancient process of reading Scripture, meditating on it, listening to what God is telling you, and then responding to the verses or passage you just read. It also contains tips for finding the best places to read and ways to continue your journey into the Bible and with God himself.
Enjoy the Silence:
Maggie Robinson likes adventure. Exploring new terrain. Especially when it involves spiritual stuff! She’s a spiritual director, a discipler of young women, an avid reader and traveler, and loves to have a hot cup of tea at any time. She lives with her husband, Duffy, outside of Philadelphia, Pennsyvania.
Dr. Duffy Robbins is Professor of youth ministry at Eastern University in St. Davids, Pennsylvania, is a respected youth ministry veteran with over forty years of experience in the field. He speaks around the world to teenagers and people who care about teenagers. Duffy also serves as a Teaching Pastor at Faithbridge Church, Spring Texas.