The shQpe of Qn erythrocyte is determined by Q delicQte equi librium of extrinsic Qnd intrinsic forces. It mQY chQnge during mQny PQtholog iCQI stQtes QS well QS du ri ng Q vQriety of ex perimentQI mQnipulQtions. Correct eVQluQtion of the fine detQi Is of the red cell shQpe thus provides i nformQtion of the g reQtest i mportQnce for the proper i nterpretQtion of the physi ology Qnd PQthophysiology of mQny Qnemic stQtes. In eXQmining red cells, the hemQtologist observes Q drop of blood spreQd on Q glQSS slide through the light microscope. This type of eXQminQtion is likely to remQin the routine tech nique of blood cytology for Q long time to come. Still, we should not forget thQt blood smeQrs Qre QrtifQcts. The smeQring flQt tens the cells completely, obliterQting mQny of their chQrQc teristics Qnd distorting others. It is therefore necessQry to conduct Q PQrQllel observQtion of cells in the I ivi ng stQte. The fundQmentQI vQlue of QII such observQtions remQins limited by the resolving power of the light microscope, which provides Q mQximum enlQrgement of one thousQnd times. To be sure, the trQnsm ission electron microscope CQn provide en IQrge ments of one mill ion times, but it IQcks penetrQti ng power, so thQt one hQS to section Q cell into five hundred slices before observi ng it. The recent Qdvent of the SCQn n i ng electron m icro scope hQS chQnged the situQtion rQd iCQlly.