In a heartbreaking instant, rancher Sam Denver becomes guardian to his baby nephew and the young foster twins his late brother and sister-in-law hoped to adopt. With the Triple D ranch to run and two sets of grandparents to look after, the guarded cowboy is desperate for help. But when the children’s maternal aunt finally returns home to Buffalo Gap, Kelly Krause’s difficult past prevents her from believing she has much to offer Sam or the little ones. Yet when custody of the twins is in jeopardy, Sam discovers just how much his makeshift family needs Kelly...if only she’ll stay.
With almost two million books in print worldwide, in suspense and romance genres, Lois Richer writes about characters bold enough to face life's problems head on. Lois works hard to leave readers with a sense of hope as well as a hunger to know more about the God of whom she writes. Married for 25 years, Lois and her husband love to travel. Their small prairie town offers the perfect home base to contemplate God's inifinite love.