Paul Kitka, a lieutenant in the Alaska State Patrol, is half-Tlingit, half white. And when an Inuit elder from Bethel gets the brush-off from the Anchorage police, it's Paul she turns to.
Her granddaughter, a student at the University of Alaska in Anchorage, is missing. She thinks there may be more women missing. And the Anchorage police don't seem to care.
But Mary Ayak, elder of her village and a director of the Calista Native Alaskan Corporation, cares. And she has the power and prestige it takes to make others care. Starting with Lt. Paul Kitka.
Find them, she orders. What is happening to our women?
Third in a series of mysteries featuring Paul Kitka and Dace Marshall in Talkeetna, Alaska.
A former journalist writing mysteries and thrillers about what she knows: complicated people, small towns, big cities, cops, reporters, politicians, assorted bad guys.
L.J. Breedlove writes about religion, and politics. About race and gender. She believes in the journalism axiom: Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable. To which the labor organizer Mother Jones was supposed to have added: And in general raise hell.
That works.