Updated 2018
Recently Declassified Information Revealed for the First Time!
It has been a matter of faith that had an alien spacecraft crashed outside of Roswell, New Mexico, in July 1947, that a committee of high-ranking government officials, military officers and leading scientists would be created to exploit the find. In 1982, it seemed that the name and personnel of that committee was leaked into the public arena in what came to be known as the Majestic-12 documents. After decades of research by some of the biggest names in the UFO field, tens of thousands of dollars spent, and some candid remarks by those who should have known the truth, we now have the definitive answer to the question, “Are these MJ-12 documents real?”
That answer, complicated by the infighting inside the UFO community, hoaxes, lies, half-truths, and disinformation can be revealed. It isn’t as simple as originally thought. It isn’t as straight forward as originally thought. But with careful analysis, research, and clues picked up through government documents, interviews with high-level military officers, we do have the answer.