Adult ministry poses a unique challenge to churches today -- a challenge that many of us fail to meet adequately. The tragic result is an exodus of the best and brightest from our pews, not because these people have changed their theology or abandoned God. They just don't find much at church that seems immediately relevant or compelling.
For nearly fifty years Kenneth O. Gangel has been teaching church leaders how to do adult ministry right. In this volume he has distilled his insights into an easy-to-grasp-and-apply analysis of what it takes to capture the attention and guarantee the participation of adults in your church, including:
* Specific advice based on ages, genders, and
circumstances peculiar to certain ministries
* Proven, cutting-edge curriculum models that can
revitalize your church's adult instruction
* Contemporary solutions to the most common
problems we encounter in ministering to today's
Whether they know it or not, even those who are lagging in church attendance and distancing themselves from other believers still need the time-proven, heaven-given blessings only the church can offer them. As you read this book, Gangel will give you fresh ideas about how to draw these drifters back into the fold. The real-life stories he tells and the successful strategies he outlines may strike in your heart some spark of imagination and renewed commitment that will help you to bring new life to the adult ministry of the church you serve.