The Wind in the Willows is the enchanting story of four animal friends and their glorious adventures around the Wild Wood and the Thames Riverbank. With themes of unceasing camaraderie, mysticism, morality, and nature, the novel was first published in 1908.
Featuring Arthur Rackham’s magical illustrations, this edition brings Kenneth Grahame’s whimsical story to life. A much-adored artist from the Golden Age of Illustration (1850-1925), Rackham’s delicate illustrations further refine and illuminate Grahame’s masterful storytelling. This edition also features an introduction by author A. A. Milne, most well-known for penning the famous stories of Winnie the Pooh (1928).
Kenneth Grahame (1859–1932) was a Scottish writer, born in Edinburgh. He’s best known for his children’s novel ‘The Wind in the Willows’ (1908). The book is now considered one of the most famous works of children’s literature. It has been translated into many languages and has been adapted for the stage, screen, and radio.