Gaele Hi
I hadn’t heard of this series (I honestly don’t know how) but with an opportunity to review a title that offered something different from the norm, I was all in. And what a ride this was! Entering in the second book can leave some holes, but most of these were related to the ‘what happened before’, all generally explained in the story, but not really making a difference to just how much I enjoyed this story. Para-Marshall, Shiloh Harrison is a Djinn and the new leader of the East Coast unit after the death of her boss. In the previous novel, she had made a bargain with her memories to save a team member – and that loss is reverberating throughout the current story. Was it a betrayal, and is the person she saved worth giving up those memories? But, even more pressing is the disappearing werewolves that have been noticed by the leader of the West Coast division, and if Shiloh and her team are bold enough (or bored enough with the virtual ‘house arrest’ of their unit) to defy orders and jump in to help? Shiloh isn’t particularly concerned with the ramifications – she was sworn to serve AND protect, and she knows that her skills as a Djinn, as well as her skills in finding answers will be of use. What is happening to the werewolves, and will Shiloh be able to untangle the many webs that surround this case? Who is in charge of the cover-up and will she be able to answer questions around Kathleen and Damien, can she save Jaxon, and is there a way to get her memory back – and if she does will it provide the answers to the many questions she has ? Oh this was a sweet set of circumstances that provided more questions with each and every new answer, with twists, turns and even more questions with each page. Never ending from first to last, the story takes us from interrogation to California, then on to a small town in Kansas, with black magic, a new witch, the arrival of Shiloh’s mum for some answers and her ongoing friendship with a master vampire – also intent on finding the source of the threat here in Kansas. Uncovering information that can (and does) affect relationships, as well as the additions of new members and increasing roles from long-standing members, relationship angst and some drama all come together with one hell of a cliffhanger that has me chomping at the bit for the next book – after, of course, having read the first and re-reading this one with information that I may have missed due to the author’s skill at flushing out the ‘backstories’ and ‘motivations’ both overt and covert with each of the characters. I loved Meding’s use of the paranormal elements that added an extra ‘oomph’ to the characters, and the ongoing questions that Shiloh has about her place and skills, while still managing to always choose the most honorable path at the time with the information she had made her a standout character and one that we hope the best for. A wonderful introduction to this series, that doesn’t feel too complicated as you start, but builds interest in the first book and will leave you clamoring for the next. I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.