Based on Charlaine Harris’s Southern Vampire series, True Blood brings to life a rich fantasy world in which vampires, telepathic barmaids, and old-world Southern charm all manage to co-exist. Dark, edgy and sensual, the series takes the vampire trend to a new level of sex and violence. In this text, Kathleen Olmstead investigates the ups and downs of the wildly popular show in which outcasts come in many shapes and sizes, and danger lurks around every corner.
The ebook contains information about the inception and development of the series, thought-provoking episode analysis, and on-the-set stories about the cast and crew.
Kathleen Olmstead has written more than a dozen books—fiction and non-fiction—for the young adult market and her short fiction and poetry have appeared in Fireweed and Taddle Creek, among other journals. She has produced, written and directed several short films and is always working on the next one. She is a part of the Arbeiter Ring Publishing collective. Kathleen lives and works in Toronto.