Boardwalk Empire is an unflinching portrayal of life in Atlantic City at the height of Prohibition. Starring Steve Buscemi as Nucky Thompson, the crime drama seamlessly blends fiction and historical realism, exploring vice, greed and blind ambition during a time when America was still defining itself. Over the course of its five-season run, Boardwalk Empire garnered forty Primetime Emmy nominations, going on to win seventeen Primetime Emmy awards.
The ebook contains information about the inception and development of the series, thought-provoking episode analysis, and on-the-set stories about the cast and crew.
Kathleen Olmstead has written more than a dozen books—fiction and non-fiction—for the young adult market and her short fiction and poetry have appeared in Fireweed and Taddle Creek, among other journals. She has produced, written and directed several short films and is always working on the next one. She is a part of the Arbeiter Ring Publishing collective. Kathleen lives and works in Toronto.