Kashif Hasan Khan is Associate Professor and Director of the Silk Road Research Center, Ala-Too International University in Bishkek. He teaches at the Economics Department of Ala-Too and the Finance Department of International Black Sea University, Tbilisi. Previously, Kashif worked as International Business Consultant in the Philippines, and as a consultant economist with the Asian Development Bank. His latest works on Central Asia include Emerging Central Asia: Managing Great Powers Relations (Blue Dome Press) and The Strategy of (Re) Connectivity: Revisiting India's Multifaceted Relations with Central Asia.
Anja Mihr is DAAD Associate Professor at the OSCE Academy in Bishkek and Director of the Master Program for Human Rights and Sustainability (MAHRS) in Central Asia. She is a professor of human rights, governance, public policy and transitional justice. Prof. Mihr is also the Founder and Program Director of the Center on Governance through Human Rights at the Berlin Governance Platform. She has held full professorships at the Willy-Brandt School of Public Policy, Erfurt University, Germany, and at the Netherlands Institute of Human Rights (SIM), University of Utrecht and at SIPA, Columbia University in New York. From 2006-2008 she was the European Program Director for the European MA Degree in Human Rights and Democratization (E.MA) at the Global Campus for Human Rights in Venice.