Biblical archaeology has always stirred excitement among believers and curiosity among unbelievers. The evidence dug up with a spade can speak volumes—and serve as a powerful testimony of the reliability of Scripture.
Norm Geisler and Joe Holden have put together an impressive array of finds that confirm the biblical peoples and events of ages past. In a user-friendly format written in popular style, they...
If readers are looking for just one book to cover this topic both concisely and comprehensively, this is it!
Joseph M. Holden (MDiv; PhD University of Wales, Lampeter) is the president of Veritas Evangelical Seminary in southern California ( He is the producer of the documentary Archaeology and the Bible: The Top 10 Amazing Discoveries, associate editor of the Apologetics Study Bible for Students, and coauthor of Charts of Apologetics and Christian Evidences and Living Loud: Defending Your Faith. His research and travel in biblical lands and participation in archaeological work in the Middle East have made him well acquainted with current developments in the field of archaeology.
Norman Geisler is author or coauthor of more than 80 books and hundreds of articles. He has taught at the university and graduate level for nearly 50 years and has spoken or debated in all 50 states and in 25 countries. He holds a PhD in philosophy from Loyola University and is the chancellor and distinguished professor of theology and apologetics at Veritas Evangelical Seminary in southern California (