“The Eyrie” by Jonathan Maberry“Dead Jack and the Mystery of Room 216” by James Aquilone“Beneath the Scarred Pulpit” by Kenneth W. Cain“Denizen of Deep Holler” by Jennifer Brody“The Ephemera of Dreams” by Carina Bissett“Forming Threads” by Jody Lynn Nye“The Painted Unseen” by Taylor Grant“Bull Runs” by Kevin J. Anderson“Shimmer” by Keith Strunk“Hold My Beer” by Jeff Strand“La Silla Del Diablo” by Sofía Lapuente & Jarrod Shusterman“The Three-Headed Problem” by Rachel Aukes“Inception” by Brian Lumley“Laurel Caverns” by Lisa Diane Kastner“The Taxidermist” by Lyndsey Croal“Within You, In Time” by Brian Keene and Steven L. Shrewsbury“Sins Will Find You Out” by Cavan Scott“Night’s Disease” by Colleen Anderson
JONATHAN MABERRY (he/him) is a New York Times bestselling, Inkpot winner, five-time Bram Stoker Award-winning author of Relentless, Ink, Patient Zero, Rot & Ruin, Dead of Night, the Pine Deep Trilogy, The Wolfman, Zombie CSU, and They Bite, among others. His V-Wars series has been adapted by Netflix, and his work for Marvel Comics includes The Punisher, Wolverine, DoomWar, Marvel Zombie Return and Black Panther. He is the editor of Weird Tales Magazine and also edits anthologies such as Aliens vs Predator, Nights of the Living Dead (with George A. Romero), Don’t Turn out the Lights, and others.