John van Vliet grew up fishing in the Adirondack Mountains of upstate New York, and honed his skills on the creeks of Southeastern Minnesota, An accomplished flytier and fly-fishing instructor, he has written extensively on fishing for trout.Hans Weilenmann, who has been tying flies for more years than he cares to remember, is familiar to many as a demonstration tier at fly-fishing shows, both in Europe and North America. His articles and reviews have featured in several books and magazines, including Fly Fisherman. In addition, Hans is an FFF master fly-casting instructor, EFFA master fly-casting instructor, and a member of the EFFA certification advisory board. His interests in fly-tying and macro photography, and his background in computing and networking, all came together in Flytier's Page, a website he created as a gallery of flytiers the world over and their patterns. Hans calls Amstelveen, The Netherlands, his home, and the world's rivers his stomping grounds.John van Vliet (Hudson, WI) is the author of more than a dozen books and has fly fished throughout North America, New Zealand, Europe, Argentina, and Great Britain. John has spent more than 20 years in the outdoor writing, publishing, and retail industries, working with Orvis, Gander Mountain, and Sportsman's