Are there more moose than people in the Yukon?
What is the meaning of the word "Niagara"?
Where will you find the world’s largest perogy?
Does Elvis have a street in Ottawa named after him?
What was Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s favourite snack food?
Which province was the last to shift traffic from the left-hand side of the road to the right?
These are some of the questions that are asked - and answered - in 1000 Questions About Canada. Every reader with an ounce (or a gram) of curiosity will find these intriguing questions and thoughtful answers fascinating to read and ponder. This book is for people who love curious lore and who want to know more about the country in which they live.
John Robert Colombo has been called many things ... including "Master Gatherer" for his compilations of Canadiana, John "Bartlett" Colombo for his books of quotations, "Cartographer of the Canadian Imagination" for his ground-breaking anthologies of Canadian fantastic literature, and "Canada's Mr. Mystery" for his books about the supernatural and the paranormal. Since 1960 he has written, compiled or translated over 150 books.