First published in 1910, How We Think is one of John Dewey's many works on the philosophy of education. His aim in this volume, as he states simply, is to show that a child's natural method for perceiving the world is very similar to an adult's sophisticated application of the scientific method. Dewey brings his readers through an exploration of the concept of thought, reflective thought, fancy, and the fluid way in which the methods of thinking blend with one another. He further discusses the importance of training the mind to achieve better results when reflective thought is employed. Anyone with an interest in education and philosophy will find this an accessible and instructive manual. American educator and philosopher JOHN DEWEY (1859-1952) helped found the American Association of University Professors. He served as professor of philosophy at Columbia University from 1904 to 1930 and authored numerous books, including The School and Society (1899), Experience and Nature (1925), Experience and Education (1938), and Freedom and Culture (1939).