This internationally renowned guide to basic arithmetic for nursing students has been completely revised and updated for a new generation of readers. Now entering its ninth edition, Nursing Calculations comes with a quick-reference card fits in the pocket to remind readers of essential formulae and AN ON-LINE PROGRAM TO ALLOW FURTHER SELF-TESTING VIA THE USE OF COMPUTERS AND MOBILE DEVICES. - Over 200,000 copies sold since publication! - Initial self-testing chapter allows readers to identify and address areas of difficulty before moving onto practical examples - 'Important Boxes' highlight potential pitfalls for the reader - Special section on paediatrics covers medication calculations relating to body weight and body surface area - Contains glossary and useful abbreviations - Brings together basic math skills and clinical examples to prepare readers for real life drug calculations - Quick-reference card fits in the pocket and remind readers of essential formulae - Questions have been revised and updated when necessary to reflect current practice - New material includes the use of medication charts in questions that involve medication labels - Additional worked examples facilitate understanding of the 24-hour clock - Contains a new revision chapter to help consolidate learning - NOW COMES WITH AN ON-LINE PROGRAM TO ALLOW FURTHER SELF-TESTING VIA THE USE OF MOBILE DEVICES!