In Volume One: Stepping Out of Denial into God's Grace, you will experience the first 3 of the 8 recovery principles:
In Volume Two: Taking an Honest and Spiritual Inventory, you will experience an in-depth look at the 4th principle in the recovery process:
In Volume Three: Getting Right with God, Yourself, and Others, you will move through principles 4-6 in the recovery process:
In Volume Four: Growing in Christ While Helping Others, you will work through the final two principles on the road to recovery. More than just maintenance, principles 7-8 will help you prevent relapse and give you the necessary tools to help others in their recovery process.
By working through the lessons and exercises found in each of the four volumes of the Participant's Guide you will begin to experience the true peace and serenity you have been seeking, restore and develop stronger relationships with others and with God, and find freedom from life's hurts, hang-ups, and habits.
John Baker is the founder of Celebrate Recovery®, a ministry started at Saddleback Church in 1991. John also served as the Pastor of Saddleback Church’s Signature Ministries and was a nationally known speaker and trainer in helping churches start Celebrate Recovery ministries. John’s writing accomplishments include Celebrate Recovery’s The Journey Begins Curriculum, Life’s Healing Choices, the NIV Celebrate Recovery Study Bible (general editor), and Your First Step to Celebrate Recovery. He also is the coauthor of The Celebrate Recovery Devotional and, with his son Johnny, the coauthor of Celebrate Recovery’s The Journey Continues curriculum. John is survived by his wife Cheryl, the cofounder of Celebrate Recovery, and was married for more than five decades.