Chapters feature:
• a review of 30 frameworks and models that inform processes for evaluation in communication, including the latest recommendations of industry bodies, evaluation councils and research institutes in several countries;
• recommendations for standards based on contemporary social science research and industry initiatives, such as the IPR Task Force on Standards and the Coalition for Public Relations Research Standards;
• an assessment of metrics that can inform evaluation, including digital and social media metrics, 10 informal research methods and over 30 formal research methods for evaluating public communication;
• evaluation of public communication campaigns and projects in 12 contemporary case studies.
Evaluating Public Communication provides clear guidance on theory and practice for students, researchers and professionals in PR, advertising and all fields of communication.
Jim Macnamara is Professor of Public Communication at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). Previously CEO of a leading research company specializing in evaluation of communication, he is the author of 16 books on media and communication, including, most recently, Organizational Listening: The Missing Essential in Public Communication (2016).