Becky Baldridge
I'm going to prepare a gourmet dinner for you, all the trimmings. By the time I finish describing it, you can almost taste it. Except, when you get here, I'm going to give you a hotdog and chips on a paper plate - and not even a good hotdog, just a plain, cheap wiener on a bun. Disappointed? Yeah, that's how I feel about this book. I read the blurb, which sounds like a thriller or at least a good mystery. This is neither. Oh, it starts out that way. Once the masked man enters the picture, I was sitting up and taking notice. Then, it turns into something else, and the masked man becomes something on the periphery, barely even mentioned. So, even though Amazon has it listed as ranking pretty high in the domestic thriller genre, this is not a thriller. Not even close. Domestic drama, definitely. There's more drama than you can shake a stick at, but there are no thrills here after that one scene with masked man. Once things veered away from the mystery man, I became confused. Am I reading the right book? I went back and re-read the blurb. Yep, that's what I thought it said. So, where is this book that I can't put down? Let me add here that I have no problem with dramas. In fact, I quite like them if the story holds my interest. This one did not. It's a story that drags on about a handful of unlikable people who have made a mess of their lives and don't know how to fix it. I ended up skimming over half of this one, and while I did get some answers about the masked man, even that was less than satisfying. Maybe this book or this author's style just isn't for me, or maybe it's because I expected one thing and found another. Whatever the reason, this one fell short and left me disappointed.
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Kellie May
Complete waste of money and time, there really is no point to this book, save your money don't buy , worst book I've ever read and yes I've read alot of books.
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