In Upgrade Your HTML II, HTML and CSS optimizer Jens Oliver Meiert takes 10 additional HTML examples from real websites to review and condense the respective markup.
Keep document structures simpler, use semantically more appropriate markup, write less HTML, question certain techniques, deal more intelligently with third-party code—there are many ways to improve HTML code.
“While his approach is radical in some cases, the message counts: analyze, scrutinize, optimize.”—Manuel Matuzović (HTMHell)
→ This is the book if you enjoy the intricacies of working with HTML.
Jens Oliver Meiert is a German engineering leader and author who lives in Galicia, Spain. He’s the architect of various large-scale websites (e.g., for GMX/United Internet, Aperto/IBM iX, and Google), a contributor to web standards (like HTML, CSS, WCAG), and a reviewer and writer for technical publishers (O’Reilly, Frontend Dogma). Jens works with the tension between aspiration and curiosity, between mastering things but also just trying them—which is why he writes about topics other than web development, and also publishes independently. For more about Jens, visit his website,