James has spent over fifty years studying and teaching martial arts. From the knowledge gained he wrote three martial books. Two are karate books and the third is a comprehensive guide into Ju-Jutsu. He then took a massive leap and followed his lifelong passion for science fiction. Putting pen to paper James wrote the science fiction novel S.P.A.C.E. Encouraged by the response S.P.A.C.E received, James then wrote a follow-up novel T.I.M.E. Now over seventy years old, James's passion for science fiction still burns strong and he has now written a stunning new science fiction novel S.T.O.P. One can only describe James as a highly active person: he is a Parish Councillor, Chair of a Village Hall, Director of a housing community and he loves to travel, exercise, ride his bike, fish, play on his Xbox and VR unit and of course, watch science fiction programmes and movies.