William Couzens
A good read. At face value it is a story similar to our very own Black Beauty (the house where Anna Swell kept her horses is just down the road from me). The next level is a description of the harshness of life & cheapness of death in the Yukon during the gold rush years. There are several other levels I'll leave you to discover as you this captivating & easily read book.
Gaspar Mendes
Great book about a dog that goes from domesticated back to his wild roots. Some people complained about typos but keep in mind this book has been scanned and OCR was used to transfer into epub format. If there are smudges or wrinkles the program wont be able to read the letters/words correctly. However, this is minimal and doesn't change anything to the comprehension of the story.
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Eric “ColdBlooded” Peterson
Too fiscally 5 stars are awarded on this rating system, a great book this is,a more passionate dog lover has never lived than I...but 5 stars is earned; not given, not my 5th star, so I will state again: The Lost World. The only 5 star I had yet to read on the list of free books, however all worth reading and loving.
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