It is the ability to be able to live without a boss, or rather, being your own boss, and moving forward with experience with initiatives that will not necessarily provide immediate results, but long-term results.
Thanks to the technological advances of the last few years and more specifically after the unexpected financial revolution initiated by Satosi Nakamoto, the possibilities of a different financial future for African entrepreneurs are truly exponential.
The Future of the Liberalization of the Technological and Financial Economy in Africa is the subject of the present book which, always from a purely technical and experimental point of view, we are going to take a look at the real possibilities for the African continent to collectively jump on the bandwagon of the technological evolution that is already changing the world.
Money is much more than a paper instrument that substitutes an estimated value for the cost of production minus the benefits with which financial and economic transactions are formally carried out.
In the end, freeing oneself from the bondage of cash is the first step to financial growth.
The important thing is not money, but what we want to do and our goals to keep producing more and make our assets more productive; that is why, regardless of whether or not you have a lot of money, there is a big difference between being poor and not having money, just as there is a big difference between being rich and having a lot of money.
Many people have a lot of money but it is never enough for them, they live their lives accumulating so they are really always poor.
Others are happy with what they have and aspire to different things, and if they always make good decisions or at least the right ones then their financial future is transformed, and that is what is happening in many African countries with investment and the development of new technologies.
Bitcoin, for example, is the first cryptocurrency, and it is the one that has the longest run for investors and is generating huge profit opportunities
Since its creation in 2009, Bitcoin has increased exponentially in value over the last decade, and is even referred to as "digital gold".
In fact, and for quite some time, Bitcoin attracted interest and capital from investors who bet on the digital currency as a possible replacement for the traditional monetary system, which might have seemed like science fiction, until January 2021 when the Government of the People's Republic of China announced the launch of the Digital Yuan or Yuan Coin, with the technical support of Alibaba and under the Bank of China, the national bank.
Change for Africa is not long in coming, and the digital ecosystem is transforming so rapidly that perhaps in the rush we all forget that digital colonization is a level of financial enslavement that the African market could not withstand and the most fragile economies may be taken over by financial forces beyond their full control.
The Future of Liberalization of the Technological and Financial Economy in Africa is ultimately the path to financial freedom for all Africans.
Thank you for reading these lines. Javier Clemente Engonga,09.07.2021
Soy el Arquetipo del Liderazgo, con experiencia ejecutiva en gestión de políticas públicas, fintech, comercio internacional y mercados globales, especializado en consultoría estratégica y soluciones de servicios empresariales para Asia y África, América del Sur y el Caribe, América del Norte, la República Popular China, Japón, India, Singapur y la Unión Europea.
Máster en Negocios Internacionales (MBA) por el Instituto Europeo de Posgrado (IEP) de España, y licenciado en comercio internacional y economía por la Universidad de Xiangtan (Hunan 湘潭 大学), República Popular China. Como socio fundador y director general de numerosas empresas africanas de consultoría en estrategia de inversión y fintech, soy un firme defensor del avance de la internacionalización de las pymes africanas.
Mi experiencia en la gestión de políticas públicas incluye, entre otros, los cargos de Director General de Contenido Nacional en la Industria Petrolera e Inspector General de Contenido Nacional en la Industria Petrolera del Ministerio de Minas (2010-2013), Director General de Promoción Comercial e Inversiones Privadas (2013-abril 2015) y Director General de Comercio en el Ministerio de Comercio y Desarrollo Empresarial de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial (junio 2015-2019).
Como ya he dicho en alguno de mis libros, la mente es un ordenador cuántico que procesa la realidad que percibimos; en este sentido, la humanidad como organismo neurobiológico es un ordenador casi infinito que crea la realidad simulada que llamamos ''vida'' y que a su vez da sentido a nuestra ''existencia''.