Democracy is not a rigid thing that is used to force people into submission because democracy by etymology and common sense neither subdues nor oppresses, but convinces.
Democracy convinces people to give their opinion and to participate in public issues of common interest.
Democracy is the only thing that is needed to initiate a social change that separates nations from any system that has tied them down and does not allow them to grow.
Many democratic republics of the world are good examples of societies that continue to search incessantly for the road to democracy, through historical phases that will in no way prevent the people from always deciding what is best for them at any given time.
The same is true of Africa, the paradise of democratic republics in search of democracy and in the midst of a process of democratic construction.
The decision to plunge people into eternal poverty is certainly the biggest problem of many African states, with situations that are created only to harm the population and that always benefit individual and corporate interests, and never patriotic or nationalistic ones.
This sad reality is the anti-democracy that is observed in African democracies and that politicians cannot mention because it is precisely their political work.
There are always exceptions, it is true, and there are many countries in Africa that are democratic today because yesterday they were created for democracy, but that is not the reality of another long list of countries.
That is why for Pan-Africanists, it is better not to be secessionist when analyzing democratic aspirations in Africa in the abstract.
Our countries, the richest in the world, are being impoverished by the ambition and greed of a few together with their Western collaborators, and that is an existential problem for intelligent people across the continent and in the diaspora, and for the international community.
We all pretend to fight against corruption and for democracy, but just as a racist cannot fight against racism, a corrupt person cannot fight against corruption, or at least, is the least suitable person.
But if we take in vain that the wealth and abundance of our countries is being lost in the ambitions and personal whims of a few, then we are collaborating with the political sarcasm and the assault on the public coffers that are preventing Africans from living up to their capacity and talent.
Thank you for reading these lines.
Javier Clemente Engonga,
Soy el Arquetipo del Liderazgo, con experiencia ejecutiva en gestión de políticas públicas, fintech, comercio internacional y mercados globales, especializado en consultoría estratégica y soluciones de servicios empresariales para Asia y África, América del Sur y el Caribe, América del Norte, la República Popular China, Japón, India, Singapur y la Unión Europea.
Máster en Negocios Internacionales (MBA) por el Instituto Europeo de Posgrado (IEP) de España, y los estudios de la licenciatura en comercio internacional y economía en la Universidad de Xiangtan (Hunan 湘潭 大学), República Popular China. Como socio fundador y director general de numerosas empresas africanas de consultoría en estrategia de inversión y fintech, soy un firme defensor del avance de la internacionalización de las pymes africanas.
Mi experiencia en la gestión de políticas públicas incluye, entre otros, los cargos de Director General de Contenido Nacional en la Industria Petrolera e Inspector General de Contenido Nacional en la Industria Petrolera del Ministerio de Minas (2010-2013), Director General de Promoción Comercial e Inversiones Privadas (2013-abril 2015) y Director General de Comercio en el Ministerio de Comercio y Desarrollo Empresarial de la República de Guinea Ecuatorial (junio 2015-2019).
Como ya he dicho en alguno de mis libros, la mente es un ordenador cuántico que procesa la realidad que percibimos; en este sentido, la humanidad como organismo neurobiológico es un ordenador casi infinito que crea la realidad simulada que llamamos ''vida'' y que a su vez da sentido a nuestra ''existencia''.