"Goethe stood above the Germans in every respect and still does: he will never belong to them. How could a people ever be equal to Goethe's spirituality in well-being and well-intention! As Beethoven made music about the Germans, as Schopenhauer philosophized about the Germans, so Goethe wrote his Tasso, his Iphigenia about the Germans." Nietzsche, Human, All Too Human "In his Iphigenia on Tauris, Goethe has achieved the most admirable and beautiful thing possible in this respect." - Hegel, Lectures on Aesthetics A new translation into modern American English of Goethe's 1779 "Iphigenie auf Tauris". This edition contains an Afterword by the Translator, a Timeline of Goethes Life & Works and a Glossary of Philosophic Terminology used by Goethe. "Iphigenia on Tauris" is a dramatic play by Goethe, inspired by Greek mythology. The play follows the character of Iphigenia, who, after being spared from a sacrificial death by the goddess Artemis, finds herself in exile on the island of Tauris. It explores themes of fate, duty, and the possibility of redemption. Goethe's rendition of the myth offers a complex portrayal of the characters and their inner conflicts, presenting a compelling exploration of human nature and the intricacies of moral choices. "Iphigenia on Tauris" is admired for its poetic language, dramatic tension, and profound psychological depth, as show by both Nietzsche and Hegel's praise.
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