universal agreement on the definition of perfection, many people
strive to attain perfection in everything they do. Like everything
else, perfectionism has positive and negative sides. Perfectionists
have produced some of the best works in the world. This is
true in art, movies, sports, technology, etc. But there is a dark
side to it. Perfectionists are obsessed with perfection. Inability to
reach the high standards set by themselves leads them to low
self-esteem, extreme unhappiness, anxiety and in extreme cases,
depression. The root cause of many teenage suicides is the
incapability to accept failures. Expecting perfection from their
partner and kids jeopardizes the family life. Children of
perfectionist parents have a troubled childhood. Adaptive
perfectionism helps people to excel in their career or studies.
With appropriate help, maladaptive perfectionism can be
managed and perfectionists will be able to lead a more
meaningful life.