Motivation is one of the foremost driving forces of human nature. Its what puts us at the edge of every action and activity; it is the sole driving force that keeps us to moving forward in our journey to live and write our own story of life. It might seem philosophical in the beginning, and yet its motivation alone that wakes us up every day, keeps us alive every minute we exist, prompts us to complete our daily tasks and ultimately aim for a higher and a better of living. We have it inside of us and everybody is possessed with it. Indeed, several socio-political and economic issues and disasters that we observe often, can actually be very much related to a lack of motivation among people’s lives. Motivation can thus be equated as a synonym for ‘morale’.Ever since the beginning of time, motivation has always been with us. Its what led our earliest ancestors to stay alive in spite of numerous hardships that existed back then, prompted them to ‘get the hunt in time’ and made sure that groups never faded away. Motivation has been the prime factor behind every individual we remember today! Einstein invented the theory of relativity and everything scientists have been able to know of the universe because he was motivated to discover things nobody had done so before, with passion and energy. Human civilisation is in itself a by-product of motivated spirits; the inherent thirst to keep moving forward that has allowed humans as a species to test the forces of time.