As the leader of the Russian Revolution, Lenin was a man who changed the world. A convinced Marxist, he created the Bolshevik Party, the most revolutionary party in history. Lenin translated the ideas of Marxism into reality.
It is now one hundred years since his death. The bourgeois historians continue to slander him and his ideas. The task of this book is to explain his real life and ideas, and to draw out the significance of Lenin. Given the ongoing capitalist crisis, his ideas are gaining an increasingly wide echo. In so many ways, Lenin is more relevant today than ever before.
Over two volumes, this book traces Lenin’s life and explains his ideas, drawing on the colossal heritage of what he actually wrote and did. This book also features an appendix of Krupskaya’s writings on Lenin, a chronology and over 250 images.
Rob Sewell is the political editor of The Communist ( – the organ of the British section of the IMT – and has written extensively on revolutionary theory and history. He is the author of Socialism or Barbarism: Germany 1918-1933; Chartist Revolution; In the Cause of Labour – A History of British Trade Unionism; Revolution and Counter-revolution in Germany; What is Marxism? with Alan Woods and Understanding Marx’s Capital: A Reader’s Guide with Adam Booth.
Alan Woods is the political editor of the IMT’s flagship In Defence of Marxism website ( and has written many books covering a wide spectrum of topics. These include Lenin and Trotsky: What They Really Stood For and Reason in Revolt: Marxist Philosophy and Modern Science – both in conjunction with the late Ted Grant; Bolshevism: The Road to Revolution; Spain’s Revolution Against Franco: The Great Betrayal; Marxism and the USA; Reformism or Revolution; The Ideas of Karl Marx and The Venezuelan Revolution: A Marxist Perspective.