PhD, is a program director and senior research scientist in Education and Workforce Development at RTI International. He has been involved in human resource management research and application for over 30 years. He recently directed the evaluation of an Illinois Green Network Career Pathways grant funded by the Department of Labor. He coauthored The Aging Workforce: Realities, Myths, and Implications for Organizations (2006) and coedited the Oxford Handbook of Work and Aging (2012). He is a fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the American Psychological Association.
PhD, is a research scientist in RTI’s Social Policy, Health, and Economics Research division. In her previous role as the Career Pathways Research Fellow at Catalyst, Inc., and through her research with the Oregon Healthy Workforce Center (a NIOSH Total Worker Health Center of Excellence), Dr. Rineer developed expertise in issues related to both successful aging at work and factors that affect the advancement of women and members of other underrepresented groups. She coauthored Job Design for an Aging Workforce (2012) and The Aging Workforce: Implications for Human Resource Management Research and Practice (2014).