┬аThe book is aimed to acquire self-education about human health and starts with an overview of various nutrients required in balanced diet to maintain optimal health and health indicators to keep track of it. The readers are familiarized with various physiological systems within human body, interdependence of body organs, some common disorders & diseases. A brief description of diagnostic tests is given to determine the status of health and disease. The types of medicines are also discussed briefly.
The purpose of the book is to provide an easy to understand overview without cumbersome details to create awareness and interest in human health so that those interested may explore further on their topics of interest. The top title of book is therefore given as "Explore yourself" as learned people create healthy society.
Anwar H. Khan is an informative writer who gathers useful information on different meaningful subjects for self education and efficiently summarizes them. His style of writing is simple and easy to understand.
By profession he is an Electrical Engineer, while serving UP State Government Undertaking, his academic zeal led him to further obtain degree in Management (MBA) and Law. He also holds bachelor's degree in Biological Sciences (BSc).
His quest for knowledge continued, he made summarized notes on various aspects of human nutrition and health, geography and environment, faith and religion. After finally retiring from regular job, he decided to share these notes with public. The first of the series is about Human Health to create interest in healthy living.┬а