Article, "Racial Capitalism," by Nancy Leong
Essay, "Shallow Signals," by Bert I. Huang
Book Review, "All Unhappy Families: Tales of Old Age, Rational Actors, and the Disordered Life," by Ariela R. Dubler
Book Review, "Lawyers, Law, and the New Civil Rights History," by Risa Goluboff
Note, "Recasting the U.S. International Trade Commission’s Role in the Patent System"
Note, "Juvenile Miranda Waiver and Parental Rights" Note, "The Province of the Jurist: Judicial Resistance to Expert Testimony on Eyewitnesses as Institutional Rivalry"
Note, "Proposing a Locally Driven Entrepreneur Visa"
In addition, the issue features student commentary on Recent Cases, including such subjects as Illinois’s ban on public carry of firearms, "bookmarking" of infringing material as a copyright violation, causation and criminals' statutory restitution, free movement rights in the EU, local bottling and the dormant commerce clause, and binding unnamed class members with a denial of class action certification. Finally, the issue includes notes on Recent Publications as well as a comprehensive Index to Volume 126 (2012-2013).
Principal articles are written by internationally recognized legal scholars, and student-editors contribute substantial research in the form of Recent Case commentaries, Notes, and surveys of recent publications.