In the case of a start-up, the company expects someone to pay them. This payment can be in form of outright purchase or monthly or annual subscription or both. The Customer also has an expectation. The expectation would be of a product or a service that is available, accessible, and affordable, and at or above a certain quality. When one or both of these expectations cannot be met, the start-up fails.
This book (discussing the causes of failures and methods to avoid common errors causing failures) is an attempt to share what I have learned in the past three decades in both Healthcare and Information Technology.
· This book does not quote any scientific papers or data regarding Information Technology and Start-Ups and may be taken as a non-peer-reviewed, subjective, highly opinionated work of a single individual based on his experience. You are free to disagree with this part of the book.
· The Psychological Phenomena namely (1) Kübler Ross Grief Cycle (2) Dunning Kruger Effect (3) Ikea Effect (4) Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs are from standard textbooks / peer-reviewed journals.
· The Crux of this little book is my “Original Research” in which I apply the above-mentioned psychological phenomena to the Start-up ecosystem and suggest solutions for improving the product and profit.
Guru Bruno @ Dr.J. Mariano Anto Bruno Mascarenhas is at present Senior Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery. He works in Both Healthcare and Information Technology. He has been writing programs in Foxbase even before he joined MBBS (It is FoxBASE. It is not a typo of dBase or FoxPro) and then continued it with designing websites, portals, apps for Nokia phones (before Android and iOS came).
In Private Sector his experience encompasses treating outpatients in one-man clinics in Remote Villages like Veeravanallur to removing tumors from the brain and Spine and Correcting Scoliosis in Corporate Hospitals in Chennai. The Book is from his experience. For more details, you can see the LinkedIn Profile at
He was the winner of the 2019 Amazon Pen to Publish Competition.