Grimm Myths & Legends Volume 5

· Zenescope Entertainment
129 críticas
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Baba Yaga and her fellow villains have gathered
together the long lost pieces of the Sunstone of Ra with plans of unleashing an
ancient and powerful highborn, Helios, against their enemies and the rest of
the world.  The guardians of the nexus,
Samantha, Sela and their fellow falsebloods in training must join forces
against a highborn that not even their combined powers may be a match for.   

This is the battle that every Zenescope fan
has been waiting for.  Samantha versus Cindy.  Beast versus Erica.  Brittany versus Morrigan.  Sela versus Venus.  The Dark One versus Baba Yaga.  Helios versus EVERYONE!  With an ending that you have to see to
believe!  Featuring the long awaited
return of one of the most popular characters from the Grimm Universe.  This trade paperback culminates over two years’
worth of stories that have all lead to this moment.  The evolution of the Grimm Universe is here
and nothing will be the same.  The
Gathering and the Summoning are collected here for the first time in the final
story arc of the best-selling Myths and Legends series.  Don't miss out! 

Classificações e críticas

129 críticas
mm mm
20 de junho de 2016
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