Take back control of your life. Minimalism is about learning how to be happy and live fulfilled with less. Less doesn't necessarily mean you live in a van without internet and live from selling handmade bracelets to tourists. Less means the perfect scenario in which you have enough to live happy with objects you need and love. There is a pattern in modern society in which you are expected to spend and finance acquiring luxury items with debt. However true happiness is rarely found in these material belongings. There's nothing wrong with owning nice and expensive things but it becomes a problem when things start to own you. Minimalism is about breaking this pattern and going back to basics. It helps you appreciate non material things such as experiences and skill development. There's no right or wrong answer to how many things you need in order to be a minimalist, as we all have different perceptions of necessities and opinions on how much is enough.
In this Book You'll Learn:
What’s Minimalism?
The Minimalist Principles
Adopt Minimalism?
Minimalistic Life
Applying Minimalism
Remove Stress
Minimalism is not about selling your house or car and living in a cave.
It is about getting rid of the little, little things in life and focusing on the bigger important things.
The object of this book is to set you on a course to de-cluttering both your physical and mental space so that you can focus more on what is really important and free yourself to lead a happier and more productive lifestyle. The art of simplifying is not necessarily simple in itself but it will become that way as you break down the tasks ahead of you into smaller more manageable chunks. The reward for doing this will be a much deeper sense of inner peace and a greater ability to tackle those areas of your life that really matter.
So if you are ready for a breakthrough, take the challenge to change and see what minimalism can do for you!
My name is Greg. I follow a simplistic routine of Minimalism for high efficiency and maintain work life balance.