Much has been said about the Blood Covenant Relationship as it affects individuals and more importantly the Blood Covenant implication of Christ’s death. More often than not, Christians have pleaded the Blood of Jesus against their arch-enemy – Satan and his host of demons. However, not many Christians know the implication of the Blood Covenant death of Jesus on the Cross that made us a blood covenant partners with God.
This book is an attempt to unveil the mysteries of the Blood Covenant relationship as contained in the scriptures. This book amply unveils blood covenants in the Bible starting from Abraham’s Covenant with God to the covenant with us through the Blood of Jesus. It reveals further our rights and privileges as blood covenant partners with God.
It is a clear revelation of blood covenant relationship as it affects our Christian lives. The revelations here are true and explosive! It will literally make you know your rightful position and live beyond the reach of the devil and his cohorts.
Study it prayerfully and meditatively and allow the Holy Spirit to minister to you the mysteries of the Blood Covenant relationship as revealed. Am sure this book will be a helpful material on revelation of Blood Covenant Relationship – An essential truth for all Christians.