Joy White
Very well written classic book with drama, twists, and internal conflicts to sort out. Though at some places the wording lost me for a bit.
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Rose O'Shea
Elliot's morality play of betrayal, greed and the strength of redemptive love plays out against an English landscape of a long gone time of bucolic simplicity. Each character takes shape and appearance via their words and mannerisms; the brothers Cass especially, the one a dissolute and selfish lout, the other subject to the whim of self doubt and indecisiveness with the results.
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Don DeLaMare
I enjoyed reading this book. As a young father, I related particularly well with Silas. I believe the book captures very well our dim understandings of our own existence, and gives voice to perceived ironies that turn out in the long run to prove more just than not.
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