India in Translation, Translation in India seeks to explore the contours of translation of and in India-how Indian texts travel around the world in translation, how Indian texts travel across languages in the subcontinent and how texts from various languages of the world travel to India. The book poses pertinent questions like:
· What influences the choice of texts and the translations, both within and outside India?
· Are there different ideas of India produced through these translations?
· What changes have occurred over the last two hundred odd years, from the time of colonialism and anti-colonial struggle to that of globalisation?
· How does one rate the success or otherwise of a translation?
· What is the role of these translations in their host languages, in their cultural and literary polysystems?
The book includes eighteen essays from eminent academics and researchers who examine the numerous facets of the rich and varied translation activity. It shows how borders-both national and subnational, and generic-are created, how they are reinforced and how they are crossed. While looking at the theory, methodology and language of translation, the essays also enunciate the role of translations in political, social and cultural movements.