In "Beyond Good and Evil," (original German: Jenseits von Gut und Böse) Nietzsche expands on the ideas introduced in "Thus Spake Zarathustra," offering a more detailed critique of traditional morality and philosophy. He challenges the dichotomy of good and evil, arguing for a more nuanced understanding of morality that transcends these simplistic categories. The book is a critical examination of the prejudices and assumptions underlying Western thought, calling for a reevaluation of values and the embrace of a more dynamic, perspectival approach to truth and knowledge. First published in 1886 by the publishing house C. G. Naumann in Leipzig, Germany, this is a new translation from this original 1886 German manuscript contains a new Afterword by the Translator, a timeline of Nietzsche's life and works, an index with descriptions of his core concepts and summaries of his complete body of works. This new translation from the original German, Latin and Greek manuscript contains a new Afterword by the translator, a timeline of Nietzsche's life and works, an index with descriptions of his core concepts and summaries of his complete body of works. This translation is designed to allow the armchair philosopher to engage deeply with Nietzsche's works without having to be a full-time Academic. The language is modern and clean, with simplified sentence structures and diction to make Nietzsche's complex language and arguments as accessible as possible. This Reader's Edition also contains extra material that amplifies the manuscript with autobiographical, historical and linguistic context. This provides the reader a holistic view of this very enigmatic philosopher as both an introduction and an exploration of Nietzsche's works; from his general understanding of his philosophic project to an exploration of the depths of his metaphysics and unique contributions. This edition contains: An Afterword by the Translator on the history, impact and intellectual legacy of Nietzsche Translation notes on the original German, Latin and Greek manuscript An index of Philosophical concepts used by Nietzsche with a focus on Existentialism and Phenomenology A chronological list of Nietzsche's entire body of works A detailed timeline of Nietzsche's life and works An excerpt from Nietzsche's 1889 Ecce Homo as an addendum, where he reflects upon his intentions behind Ecce Homo, only a year before his untimely death. For Nietzsche, "Beyond Good and Evil" was the prehistoric (or pre-Socratic) way of thinking in which actions were judged by their effects. Morality emerged only when actions were judged according to their intentions - especially in the "slave morality" of early Christianity. Nietzsche's demand was to return to the perspective of the pre-moral era; his counter-proposal is a new philosophy of "immorality" bound to the particular perspective of the individual, which was wholeheartedly embraced by the Nazi regime and several other genocidal movements of the 20th century. The Übermench must have unfettered dominion over all things, and must not be hindered by the "weak".