Filthy Prince

· Junkyard Shifters Boek 5 · Liza Street
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This Junkyard billionaire is about to learn that money can’t buy him love.

Gabrielle’s been guarding a secret while she hides in a Junkyard trailer, safe from the prying eyes of her new “friends,” and safer still from the ruthless control of her alpha father. This precious secret is more important than anything—even more important than Gabrielle’s desire to be with the sexy, enigmatic wolf shifter who stole her heart.

Damien knew there was something special about Gabrielle when he first laid eyes on her. The way she pushes his buttons makes his inner wolf howl to claim her. He doesn’t know why she ended their affair after one night, but he’s a patient hunter, and he can wait for her to come around.

It turns out, though, that Gabrielle doesn’t need a hunter—she needs a protector.

Just like her baby needs a father.

Filthy Prince is the fifth standalone novel in the Junkyard Shifters series. Get your copy today to fall in love with this bossy, sexy billionaire wolf shifter!

additional keywords: shapeshifter, paranormal, California, forest, prison, jail, supernatural, fated mates, billionaire, secret baby

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Liza Street got her start in romance by sneak-reading her grandma's paperbacks. Now she’s a USA Today bestselling author. Whether writing paranormal romance or Wild West fantasy, she delights in throwing humans and supernaturals together and watching the magical mayhem.


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