This book breaks down the process of building digital assets, from identifying profitable niches and developing in-demand products to crafting irresistible sales funnels that automate your income. Learn how to create e-books, online courses, printables, templates, and more, leveraging platforms like Gumroad, Etsy, and Teachable to reach your audience.
Discover proven strategies for pricing your products, building an engaged audience, and scaling your operations to maximize profitability. Packed with actionable insights and real-world success stories, The Passive Income Playbook equips you to design a business model that works for you—whether you’re a creator, entrepreneur, or professional looking to diversify your income streams.
Because passive income isn’t just about freedom—it’s about creating value that lasts. Are you ready to turn your ideas into digital products that sell themselves? Let The Passive Income Playbook show you how.