English teacher 'Miss' starts the Autumn term beleaguered by self-doubts. She's mid-menopause, insomniac, and Mirror and Bathroom Scales are blisteringly unsympathetic. Her pupils make her laugh, weep, fume and despair, often in the same lesson. Her unremitting workload blights family time and she feels guilty for missing church events to catch up on marking. After all, God-lady is watching.
Meanwhile, the new Head of Department seems unreachable, an Ofsted inspection looms, her sixth formers (against school policy) insist on sitting in rows, and there's a school magazine to produce ...
When childhood secrets demand attention Miss doesn't want to give them, life gets complicated.
Fran Hill is an English teacher and freelance writer living in Leamington Spa, Warwickshire with her husband. She started her freelance career in the 1990s contributing regularly as a humour columnist and features writer for the national Christian newspaper Christian Herald and has often been published in Woman Alive and other religious publications. She has contributed many articles to TES (formerly the Times Educational Supplement), maintaining a monthly opinion column from 2008-2010 as well as supplying other features on education. She writes a regular blog, Being Me, and more information about her is available on her website at www.franhill.co.uk