A long lost daughter and the Devil Sea Playwright #eugeneoneill introduced the two main characters in an earlier, less successful play but this rework, of a Swedish Barge Captain and his long lost daughter whom he had shipped off to the American countryside upon the death of his wife to remove her from the long tradition of Seamen married to long suffering wives proved more tragic for her than the mariner cycle of their forebearers. In the process, the play made its way to #broadway and was also the recipient of the #1922 #pulitzerprizefordrama which is what I was reading it as part of the #pulitzerprizereadingchallenge , O'Neill's second of four Pulitzer Prizes. As well as downloading the script to read, I also listened to an audible version which does give the reading fuller interpretation. What seems to be heading for a tragedy resolves humorously as the title character ultimately finds herself on the course of her ancestral predecessors. While dated and sexist, it fits the rough and tumble life of mariners of the time and received 177 performances at the #vanderbilttheatre on Broadway. As I am a sucker for Sea stories, I found it to be a fun read. #readtheworldchallenge #globalreadingchallenge #pulitzerprize